しょうがつ (New Year) is the most important event of the year for Japanese people. It is on January 1st the same as in Australia. "あけましておめでとうございます" means Happy New Year ".
In Japan, people follow the Chinese zodiac. Each year is represented by a different animal. This year is the year of the snake. So 2025 is へびどし
へび means snake and どし means year.
What is your animal zodiac?
In February, the most important event is せつぶん.
Previously Japanese New Year was in February. せつぶん was similar to New Year's Eve. People tried to remove bad luck and bring in good luck to their homes. The custom still remains today as せつぶん.
During the evening of せつぶん we throw soy beans outside saying ”おにはそと and then towards the inside while saying ”ふくはうち。”. It means " go away bad luck and come in good luck! " The father usually wears an oni mask or costume and children throw beans at him.
After that, you have to eat the same number of beans as your age. If you can't eat them all you have to drink them in a bean tea.
March 3rd is ”ひなまつり” which is the Girls' Festival. In Japanese homes, ひなにんぎょう (dolls) are displayed and celebrate girls' health and happiness over delicious food...あまざけ (rice wine), ひなあられ ( rice puffs or rice cakes) ひしもち( pink, white and green, diamond shaped rice cakes) ちらしずし(sushi).
Don't worry, boys! Your day will be in May!